Troubleshooting Guide
Please find below a list of common problems when setting up or generally working with DocsAutomator. The list features general and data source specific issues.
Last updated
Please find below a list of common problems when setting up or generally working with DocsAutomator. The list features general and data source specific issues.
Last updated
If you prefer personal help, please reach out via our in-app chat or via email at You will receive a reply within 24 hours, most of the time we are faster though.
Please search on this page (CTRL + F; CMD + F) to find issues easily
30 seconds limit on automation scripts
If you're generating via an automation script in Airtable, requests taking longer than 30 seconds will lead to an execution time limit error.
Attachment url issue when sending emails
When sending generated files as an attachment, you might run into the error "an attachment url is disallowed"
I can't see all my bases
Please go to settings, disconnect & reconnect your Airtable account and select all bases you want to access. This does not change / delete any of your mappings!
Tab cover page added in generated documents
Google Docs recently added "tabs" which are causing issues when exporting files as PDF
Data source is set as Airtable and no record id is given
This error happens when no valid record id is passed while Airtable is set as the data source. Often the record id did not get correctly passed in Airtable automation scripts.
Google Sheets Webhooks Formula returns #Error
Usually your Google Sheets language isn't English and formulas would need to be in your language. Please go to settings and select "Always use formulas in English"
Google Sheets